Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is finally here!!! Artists in Healthcare have published a campaign to raise funds for music at Health Sciences Centre.

Please visit Canada Helps or our website and donate, so we can build a major program at HSC. Every $30 donation brings an hour of live music to a patient.

HSC has participated in the Service Canada Student jobs program since 2005. The student musicians playing in the summer program have had incredible experiences there. One staff asked the musician if he would come and play for a bone marrow transplant, so Danny Kroeker did.

The procedure was about 45 minutes and he played and sang the entire time. When it was over everyone told him that having him play had made an uncomfortable process so much easier … the patient had something positive to focus on, as did the family and the staff thanked him for helping out …

HSC is a very big hospital. At the present moment we have one physician donation which gives Kris Ulrich 50 hours a year. HSC could probably use 40 hours a week of live music, just to try to cover all the different programs.

We’ve applied for funding to Foundations and participated in other campaigns and we’re simply not giving up.

There ‘s a lovely quote by Robert Browning that speaks to the importance of music .. everywhere but uniquely in healthcare: “Who hears music feels his solitude Peopled at once.”

We can make a difference 🙂